Sunday, 20 November 2011

Trick On How To Hide Drive Using Command Prompt

If you want to hide your Disk Drive then you can easily do it with command prompt trick.This trick works on all versions of windows i.e windows 98,xp,vista and windows 7.
You can also learn the trick to Create an Invisible Folder
Follow these simple steps To Hide Disk Drive
  1. Click on Start Button in taskbar and then goto Run
  2. In Run type cmd. (This will open Command Prompt)
  3. Now type Diskpart in command prompt and press Enter key. (This will start your Diskpart session)
  4. Now type List volume (This will list all your volumes)
  5. a Trick On How To Hide Drive Using Command Prompt
  6. Now you have to select a volume that you want to hide.Example Type select volume 3 and your volume 3 will be selected.
  7. Type Remove letter F (you should type your volume name instead of F).b Trick On How To Hide Drive Using Command Prompt
The drive will now get hidden(If not just restart your computer).
c Trick On How To Hide Drive Using Command Prompt
Trick on How To Unhide The Hidden drive Using Command prompt
  1. To Unhide the Drive follows the steps 1-5 as mentioned above.
  2. Now Type assign letter F (You should type your volume name instead of F)
d Trick On How To Hide Drive Using Command Prompt
Now your hidden drive will be visible.(If not just Restart your computer)

Trick to Remove Write Protection Error in USB Pen Drive

If while  transferring data using your pendrive you get an error like Disk is Write Protected then neither  you can send data into it nor copy any data from the pen drive to your PC. By using this  trick  you can easily remove this error from your Pen Drive.Perform it carefully as it requires editing of registry code.

Trick to Remove Write Protection Error in USB Pen Drive:-

  • Open Run Dialog box by Pressing Window+R.
  • Type Regedit and Press Enter.
  • Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrrentControlSet\Controland look for StorageDevicePolicies.

  • If you cannot find StorageDevicePolicies there then do create this file first.(Look at the end of this article for instructions )
  • Now you will see WriteProtect in your right window pane, double click on it.
  • In the Value Data field  change the value to 0(zero).
  • Now restart your system and then use your pen drive.
There is an alternative method to do this just download this zip file that contains both files i.e. Enable/Disable Write Protection: click here.

Method to Create StorageDevicePolicies File:-

  • Click Start, type regedit.exe and hit ENTER.
  • Navigate to the following location:
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrrentControlSet\Control
  • Right-click Control and select New and Key.
  • Name it as StorageDevicePolicies and Right click on it
  • Select New > DWORD and name it as WriteProtect.

  • Double click on it and set its value to (zero).
  • Restart your system and this would Disable write protect on USB.

Trick to Convert Videos Using VLC Player

VLC player is an open source video player that supports most of the video codecs.Most of the people using VLC are unaware that it can also be used to convert files into various video(mp4, webm, ts and ogg ) and audio (mp3,ogg,mp4,aac,cd) formats. VLC  player is available  for Windows, Mac andLinux operating systems.If you haven’t downloaded it yet you can download it from HERE

Trick to Convert Videos Using VLC Player:
  • Open your VLC  player
  • Click on Media and select Convert / Save (Ctrl+R ) option.
  • In new popup window under the Files tab click on Add button to select files that have to be converted.
  • vlc convert window Trick to Convert Videos Using VLC Player
  • You can also add subtitles which will be hardcoded to the converted file.To add subtitles check the Use a subtitle option.
  • Click on the browse button to give the path of the subtitles file and select the alignment and font size options.
  • Now Click on Convert/Save button this will open another window.
  • Select the Destination File and ProfileConversion Format ).
  • vlc convert1 Trick to Convert Videos Using VLC Player
  • Click on the start button to begin conversion.
This trick will come real handy if you don’t have any Video Converter installed in your system.

Search Using Images In Google Instead of Text

Google the pioneer search engine giant keeps on rolling new and innovative features.They have now launched Search by Images.If you have an image and you want to get more information about it or you want a similar image but with high resolution then google Images will help you out.In search by images you give an image as a search query and google will give search results with images that similar to query image as well as text results of websites that have been using that image.
There are also some special Google search techniques.You can read about them by clicking here

How To Use Search By images?

  • Go to Google Images by clicking here
  • Google has been still rolling this feature.You could only use search by images if you see a camera icon in the search query box
searchbar Search Using Images In Google Instead of Text

You can use search by images by four methods:

  • Drag and Drop:You can directly drag and drop an image in the query box from your computer or a website.
  • Copy Image Url: If you have Url of image, you have to click on the Camera icon in the query box and then paste the Url in the new popup query box.
  • Upload the Image:To upload an image click on Camera icon in query box and then select Upload an image
  • Browser Extension:If you have to use regularly Search By images feature then you can can download extension for google chrome and firefox browsers.

Download Search by Images extension for Google Chrome

Download Search By Images extension for Firefox

After installing these extension in your browsers you can simply right click on any image and use search by images feature.

How Accurate is Google Search By Images?

Search by images as expected doesn’t have 100% accuracy but most of the times gives exact results.
I have performed a random search by using a nature wallpaper and google gave me exact  image in results.
nature test result1 Search Using Images In Google Instead of Text

Tips And Tricks To Double Hotfile Earnings

Recently I blogged about how I earn money from linkbucks.I recieved a lot of emails asking me to share some more tips and tricks to Earn Money.So today I am sharing a Special method by using which you will be able to get around double the amount which others are getting.Below is a step by step tutorial of this method.Remember I am using this method for long time and it is 100% tested.
1.Goto hotfile and register.Its completely free.Click Here to go to hotfile.
signup Tips And Tricks To Double Hotfile Earnings
2.After you complete the signup process on hotfile.Login into your hotfile account.
3.Click on upload and now click on remote upload.
remoteg Tips And Tricks To Double Hotfile Earnings
4.Now go to any warez site.Usually people prefer downloading movies.So,you can goto websites like or mediafirefilms .Now copy the mediafire link of any movie and paste it in your browser.
5.Once you hit enter you will see “Click Here To download”.Right click on this and click on copy link url.
6.Now go to hotfile and paste this link in the remote upload box.Do this for all links of the movie.
uploading Tips And Tricks To Double Hotfile Earnings
7.Click on upload and these files will be automatically uploaded to hotfile.And you will be provided with your hotfile links.
nesrqw Tips And Tricks To Double Hotfile Earnings
Now Here Is the Special Trick to Increase your earnings
8.Now go to linkbucks and sign up.It is also free.Click here to go to linkbucks.
9.After your account is create you have to convert your hotfile links into linkbucks links.Now you will be able to earn money from both linkbucks and hotfile.
10.Paste these links in warez forums.You Can use google to find list of warez forums.
Here is a payment proof from hotfile
proofxp Tips And Tricks To Double Hotfile Earnings
Now will be earning a double commision on every download.
